Wycliffe Christian School 文化交流2013

有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎──就在剛過去的四月份,我們與來自澳洲的Wycliffe Christian School師生一起渡過富有意義的日子。



Wycliffe Christian School – Cultural Exchange 2013

It is a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. This April, we have just spent a fruitful time with the teachers and students of Wycliffe Christian School from Australia.

The importance of cultural exchanges is tantamount to English practice in our exchange programme. To have a more profound understanding of a foreign country, students who participated in Guangzhou Tour introduced their own culture to Wycliffe’s members and discussed the difference between Chinese and Western with them in English. Back in Hong Kong, thanks to the participation of Wycliffe, the enrichment was made in assemblies and English Fun Days and most importantly, students had more exposure to English language environment. Embracing the opportunity of communicating with foreigners, they indeed benefited a lot and fostered their interest in English.

Therefore, we would like to present all the members of Wycliffe with our immeasurable appreciation and look forward to seeing them again in Australia in the coming summer holiday.


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