What an exciting English Easter time!

This Easter, we’ve had the wonderful opportunity to welcome friends from our partner school, Wycliffe Christian School. This year, two teachers and ten students came to Hong Kong to spend time with us, to learn more about our lifestyle, culture and traditions. We took part in a wide variety of activities: Yum Cha together, taking Australian friends on a local tour of Tai Po, learning Chinese calligraphy, the list goes on.

During their stay, we also held our school’s English Fun Days, hosting English Game stalls, speaking activities, a café, music dedications and much more. We had an unforgettable time together, making new friends whilst practising our English.

During the Easter break, we also went with our Australian guests for a tour of Southern China, in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. For 4 days and 3 nights, we explored the local hot spots, visited museums and experienced a lot of their local customs and culture.

Alas, all good things come to an end, and our new friends have returned safely to their homes in Australia. We pray and hope for a fruitful encounter in the summer as a team of our teachers and students will visit their school in Australia.
