領袖生名單 (13-14)
梁國威(5E) |
鄭海珩(5B) |
甘淑儀(5A) |
房詩敏(5A) |
李婉彤(3C) |
徐巧盈(4E) |
鄺詠妍(4C) |
陳鍩汶(5A) |
徐恩彤(5C) |
張志銓(4A) |
趙芷瑩(5A) |
蘇瑋浚(5A) |
曾詠珊(5A) |
黃樂怡(3C) |
岑超煌(5C) |
盧均麒(5D) |
黃艷(3C) |
麥樂勤(4B) |
廖焯風(5E) |
何俊彥(5E) |
羅梓游(5C) |
陳孝賢(3C) |
陳博韜(5E) |
陳彥熹(3C) |
鄒智峰(5B) |
袁俊成(5E) |
吳梓沖(4B) |
方梓傑(3C) |
黃嘉駿(5C) |
蘇梓維(4E) |
楊世頌(3C) |
徐慶豐(4A) |
陳虹恩(5B) |
黎曉嵐(5C) |
劉仲豪(5E) |
鄧曉康(5B) |
本校的學術領袖生(AC Prefect)與領袖生於9月14日合辦領袖培訓活動,氣氛良好,茲將當日精采照片與各界分享。
英語話劇2013 – “Snow White and The Six Dwarves”
Wycliffe Christian School 文化交流2013
有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎──就在剛過去的四月份,我們與來自澳洲的Wycliffe Christian School師生一起渡過富有意義的日子。
Wycliffe Christian School – Cultural Exchange 2013
It is a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. This April, we have just spent a fruitful time with the teachers and students of Wycliffe Christian School from Australia.
The importance of cultural exchanges is tantamount to English practice in our exchange programme. To have a more profound understanding of a foreign country, students who participated in Guangzhou Tour introduced their own culture to Wycliffe’s members and discussed the difference between Chinese and Western with them in English. Back in Hong Kong, thanks to the participation of Wycliffe, the enrichment was made in assemblies and English Fun Days and most importantly, students had more exposure to English language environment. Embracing the opportunity of communicating with foreigners, they indeed benefited a lot and fostered their interest in English.
Therefore, we would like to present all the members of Wycliffe with our immeasurable appreciation and look forward to seeing them again in Australia in the coming summer holiday.
福音船 “望道號”船員來訪
福音船 “望道號”的五位來自–荷蘭、斯里蘭卡、菲律賓 和 厄瓜多爾的船員於4月8日至4月26日一連三星期在本校校園內與學生們交流,談信仰、傳福音,並探訪不同英文班級,及於 4月26日(星期五)放學時間於禮堂帶領學生團契聚會。同學均對五位來賓表示欣賞及支持!
Here is the message from the English Department.
Our English department is always active and busy in and out of the classroom. Recently, we had the pleasure of inviting an international team of volunteers from the Logos Hope ship, a Christian cruise ship that travels the world, sharing knowledge, help and the hope of God.
The team joined classes and lead English games and activities and shared their lives and wealth of experiences on the ship with our students and staff. Though they’ve been here for only a short time, we were richly blessed by their company and inspiring stories. We pray for their safe journey and blessings as they leave LSC and their ship will depart from Hong Kong. For more information you can read our newest issue of the LSC Voice, the school’s English magazine.