Our Annual English Fun Days
From Wednesday 18th to Friday 20th April, our school celebrated our annual English Fun Days!
It is a time when teachers and students practise their English language skills in a variety of activities. Students spoke in English and played games in exchange for coins. They then spent their hard earned coins at our English Café, at our prize counter or to dedicate songs to friends. In the afternoons, we also held our English singing Competition where student singers had to compete over two days. We had a fantastic time speaking and playing in English and we look forward to our next English activities.
Winners of the English Singing Competition are…
1st place: Elsie Lam 3D
2nd place: Carolanne Cheng 5D
3rd place: Tracy Law 3C
上學年復活節假期,本校參與《校園水母探究計劃》的同學:6D 陳樂熙、5C 趙婉珍、5C 鄧培英和5C周海燕及5C班的魏宇成為全港首批到海洋公園水母館實習的中學生。他們純熟的飼養技術深得園方的讚賞,同學們亦在實習中獲益良多。實習期間,他們的水母飼養技術得到了更廣泛的提升,同時也獲得了寶貴的在職體驗。其中陳樂熙、趙婉珍、鄧培英和周海燕四位同學實習超過68小時,榮獲海洋公園頒授實習證書以作鼓勵。
另外,本學年初,5C 趙婉珍、5C 鄧培英和4C郭穎嵐也很榮幸成為首批獲邀到海洋公園教育部向員工分享的中學生,同學們向員工們介紹了《校園水母探究計劃》及分享了參與此計劃的得著,同學的表現深獲員工們欣賞。
‘Speak Out – Act Up’ Improvised Drama Competition
On Tuesday 6th March 2018, a team of students took part in the 10th ‘Speak Out – Act Up’ Improvised Drama Competition, organized by the NET section of the Education Bureau.
Given only one week to prepare for the competition, we went to Shatin Town Hall and competed against ten other schools from the district. We had a good performance and enjoyed watching those of other groups. In total, over 65 schools participated in the competition across Hong Kong. Our team didn’t win any team prizes but we one student won the individual prize, the ‘Act Up Star Award!’ for best acting. We are very proud of her, Cherry Chan Cheuk Lam from class 3B.
We hope to take part again next year and test our skills in this competition!
Participating students this year were:
3B Cherry Chan Cheuk Lam
3B Angela Cheung Lok Yee
3B Kelly Ng Tsz Ting
3B Vicky Wan Hiu Laam
3B Summer Yeung Hoi Ching
3D Elsie Lam Kak Yi
4C Jeff Ho Wai Chun
Tasty Thanksgiving Party!
We had our first English Speaking Day by celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday 26th October. Students spent the whole week earning play money by speaking to teachers in English. Students worked hard to practise their English skills and so too did many non-English teachers. We finished with a big Thanksgiving Food Fair at lunch time. Hundreds of students exchanged their coins for turkey, roast potatoes and other thanksgiving foods and gifts. We had a fantastic time and hope you look forward to our next English Activity Day.
2017 Thanksgiving Colouring Competition
Champion: 1st Runner-up: 2nd Runner-up: Merit: |
6A 5C 5B 3B |
Tse Wing Yan Sin Yee Man Wu Wan Sze Cheng Hang Yi |
2017 English Penmanship Competition
Junior Forms (S.1-3)
Champion: 1st Runner-up: 2nd Runner-up: Merit: Merit: |
3B 3B 2B 2D 2A |
Chan Cheuk Lin Law Tsz Ying Ho Ka Wai Rainbow Yu Hon Jim Ho Cheuk Wing Cherry |
Senior Forms (S.4-6)
Champion: 1st Runner-up: 2nd Runner-up: Merit: Merit: |
6D 5A 5A 4C 5C |
Wong Wing Yan Lai Chi Nga Leung Chi Lok Poon Sum Yuen To Ching Yee Christy |
參加「活出豐盛」生涯規劃試工活動 本校學生獲機構極力嘉許
5D班郭嘉駿同學於2017年7月參加由香港聖公會福利協會舉辦「活出豐盛」計劃的試工活動,到HK PET SERVICE擔任寵物護理員。嘉駿於試工期間表現出眾,獲負責人極力讚賞,並頒發嘉許狀以示欣賞和肯定。以下是嘉許狀中負責人的讚賞:
Dear Principal & All Teachers,
Your student Ka Chun, who has a hard working student, & he follows all instructions at work.
Ka Chun is aggressive & motivated to looking for his job & he can finish his work very smart, so he is “SUPER”!
We appreciate your student very much!
Ka Chun keeps your positive thinking & you will succeed in future.
Try to attend more Career Plan project, you should broaden your vision.
Best regards from HK PET Service!
本校紅十字會YU311團剛於2017年7月7日舉行了第三屆宣誓典禮,邀得香港紅十字會青年及義工事務部新界東總部大埔區署理區務主任 何沛恩小姐任主禮嘉賓。
1A 方志鑫 吳淑慧 吳君浩
1B 林迪樂 羅澤心
1C 林子揚 張淳靜
1D 李岱諺 石穎軒
2A 周加承 白睿
2B 梁梓傑 譚家鈞 尹曉嵐 嚴嘉兒
2C 陶瑋玲
2D 陳家軒
3A 陳俊宇 王露霏
3B 張婷月
3C 陳冠傑 謝純恩
3D 羅灝賢
4C 趙婉珍
5C 余彥慶
其他升章會員包括 :
1D 馬佳伶 李縉