Wycliffe Christian School – Cultural Exchange 2014
We are grateful to the teachers and students of Wycliffe Christian School for making a long journey to visit us and for their generous sharing with our students. Their visit stimulated a free exchange of ideas culturally and linguistically. During the class visit, English Fun Days and Guangzhou Study Tour, the meaning of cultural exchange was well understood – the students from different countries tried to promote a mutual understanding. Most importantly, it proved the true value of English which is an indispensable tool to communicate with each other.
It was indeed a valuable opportunity of our students to make use of English more pragmatically and confidently in their daily lives. Thus, we were heartened by observing their willingness of speaking English thanks to our Australian friends for offering their participation. We are eager to see them again at the coming Australia Study Tour in August.
感謝澳洲學校Wycliffe Christian School 遠道而來,與我校師生交流文化,活動包括觀課、英語趣味日及廣州考察團。學生能夠自動、自信地以英文交流,同時明白到英文仍然是不可或缺的溝通媒介,於學生的長遠學習而言,是意義深遠的。因此,我們期望於八月澳洲遊學團再次與他們相會。
「通識教育科教師專業交流網絡」 交流活動
澳洲Wycliffe Christian School交流團2013
為進一步讓學生在課堂外有更多機會學習語文,及體驗不同的生活和文化,本校很高興能於去年8月繼續與澳洲Wycliffe Christian School及中聖書院的師生一起舉辦交流團。
Wycliffe Christian School 文化交流2013
有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎──就在剛過去的四月份,我們與來自澳洲的Wycliffe Christian School師生一起渡過富有意義的日子。
Wycliffe Christian School – Cultural Exchange 2013
It is a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. This April, we have just spent a fruitful time with the teachers and students of Wycliffe Christian School from Australia.
The importance of cultural exchanges is tantamount to English practice in our exchange programme. To have a more profound understanding of a foreign country, students who participated in Guangzhou Tour introduced their own culture to Wycliffe’s members and discussed the difference between Chinese and Western with them in English. Back in Hong Kong, thanks to the participation of Wycliffe, the enrichment was made in assemblies and English Fun Days and most importantly, students had more exposure to English language environment. Embracing the opportunity of communicating with foreigners, they indeed benefited a lot and fostered their interest in English.
Therefore, we would like to present all the members of Wycliffe with our immeasurable appreciation and look forward to seeing them again in Australia in the coming summer holiday.