香港青年協會創新科學中心 – 「數字遊戲.潛規則」STEM工作坊
2nd English Activity Day and the In-school English Penmanship Competition
Thursday 13th December was our second English Activity Day with a theme of Christmas music. Students came to play our Guess the Lyrics Game: They listened to Christmas songs, identified lyrics and answered questions. Over 130 students came to play or help in this festive game day and had lots of fun doing so. We wonder what we’ll play next time!
Our students recently took part in The 23rd Hong Kong School English Penmanship Competition. A popular event, this year many students tried their hands at beautiful cursive writing. The results were as follows:
Junior Section:
Champion: So Hei Man (1B)
First Runner-up: Yung Yat Yu (2B)
Second Runner-up: Law Suet Yi (3B)
Merit: Cheung Kar Yu (1C)
Merit: Tang Pui Man (3D)
Senior Section:
Champion: To Ching Yee Christy (6C)
First Runner-up: Chung Sze Wan (5A)
Second Runner-up: Lai Chi Nga (6A)
Merit: Tsang Tsz Ching (5A)
Merit: Mui Kwan Tung Tina (4A)
Congratulations to all winners and runners-up.