
15/2(六)下午2:30-5:00 :成果展覧、開幕禮、座談會
16/2(日)上午9:00-4:30 :成果展覧、筆會
地點:假大埔墟體育館 鄉事會街綜合大樓7樓舉行


福音船 “望道號”船員來訪

福音船 望道號”的五位來自–荷蘭、斯里蘭卡、菲律賓 和 厄瓜多爾的船員於4月8日至4月26日一連三星期在本校校園內與學生們交流,談信仰、傳福音,並探訪不同英文班級,及於 4月26日(星期五)放學時間於禮堂帶領學生團契聚會。同學均對五位來賓表示欣賞及支持!

Here is the message from the English Department.

Our English department is always active and busy in and out of the classroom. Recently, we had the pleasure of inviting an international team of volunteers from the Logos Hope ship, a Christian cruise ship that travels the world, sharing knowledge, help and the hope of God.

The team joined classes and lead English games and activities and shared their lives and wealth of experiences on the ship with our students and staff. Though they’ve been here for only a short time, we were richly blessed by their company and inspiring stories. We pray for their safe journey and blessings as they leave LSC and their ship will depart from Hong Kong. For more information you can read our newest issue of the LSC Voice, the school’s English magazine.

