學風推動委員會本年度第三期的優才師生分享會於12月4日舉行,是次分享會邀請了Si Si 老師、6A學生高雅怡和4B學生陳彥炫擔任分享嘉賓。
此外,當天亦邀請了 4B陳彥炫同學分享其成為咖啡師路途上的奮鬥事跡,陳同學於去年度參加了由華潤集團舉辦的「青雲啟夢」香港青少年職業體驗活動,他到一間連鎖咖啡店進行5天的工作體驗,並在導師鼓勵下成功考獲咖啡師資格。他希望是次分享會能讓同學更深入了解咖啡產業,有更多元發展自我的探索空間。
AFS Global Citizenship Education Program(16 Nov 2024)
On Saturday 16th November, a group of 15 enthusiastic S1-S2 students embarked on an exciting adventure at the AFS Intercultural Fair in Tsuen Wan!
The event was organized by AFS Intercultural Exchanges, an NGO specializing in international volunteering and intercultural youth programs. This vibrant event brought together passionate exchange students from countries including Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Turkey, Colombia, and Spain, with each student eager to share their authentic cultural experiences.
Our students got to explore diverse customs and traditions through engaging activities designed by the overseas students. From lively dances and intriguing quizzes to fun card games and exotic snacks, the fair was a feast for the senses!
Not only did this event spark our students’ curiosity about the world, but it also ignited their confidence and cultural awareness. They left inspired and motivated to become active global citizens, ready to make a positive impact in our interconnected world. It was a day filled with learning, laughter, and lasting connections!
Our 15 students will continue their learning journey at the Global Citizenship Education workshops in the following months to get ready for an interschool presentation competition in May. We hope these workshops empower our students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to be responsible global citizens, as well as to boost their confidence and ability to master English.
If you want to join this program, please get in touch with Miss Jamie or your English teacher! You may find more details on AFS website: