English Fun Day and In-school English Penmanship Competition
Thursday 22nd April 2021 was World Earth Day. We took the opportunity in LSC to learn more about how our actions are affecting the Earth. Students read an article on global warming and watched a video about Lance Lau, an 11-year-old local climate change activist who is helping to save our planet. Over 350 students answered questions related to the video, of which 55 students answered all the questions correctly and won a prize.
Lastly, we held a recycling competition where we collected over 100 plastic bottles and paper drinks cartons. The winners were the classes that collected:
3B with 40 bottles and cartons
5D with 22
4C with 16
5C with 13
Many thanks to all students who took part to help recycle our waste. We hope that we can all learn more and do more to protect our planet for generations to come.
Our students took part in The 25th Hong Kong School English Penmanship Competition. A popular event, this year many students tried their hands at beautiful cursive writing. The results were as follows:
Junior Sector:
Champion: Wong Lok Yi (2B)
First Runner-up: Ho Pui Yi (3D)
Second Runner-up: Tian Xin Yu (2D)
Merit: Lui Shin Yo (1B)
Merit: Yu Pei Lin (3D)
Senior Sector:
Champion: Yung Yat Yu (4A)
First Runner-up: Ho Ka Wai (5A)
Second Runner-up: Lau Yat Ching (4A)
Merit: Yu Hon Jim (5B)
Merit: Chan Cheuk Ling (6A)
Congratulations to all winners and runners-up.
2020 – 2021 年度中一級數學閱讀報告獎
2020 -2021年度第二學期考試進步獎共有30位同學得獎,名單如下:
班別 |
學號 |
姓名 |
中一 |
1A |
24 |
盧宥辰 |
1A |
32 |
莊富源 |
1B |
21 |
黎瑞鋒 |
1C |
1 |
蔡易殷 |
1C |
6 |
杜思宜 |
中二 |
2A |
8 |
林嘉利 |
2B |
6 |
葉芷珊 |
2B |
17 |
鄭舒齡 |
2B |
26 |
練旼迪 |
2B |
28 |
歐建鋒 |
2C |
24 |
孫子皓 |
2D |
14 |
陳浩文 |
2D |
16 |
陳建豪 |
中三 |
3B |
35 |
鍾意浩 |
3C |
17 |
高創燁 |
中五 |
5A |
6 |
趙雅淳 |
5A |
14 |
馬佳伶 |
5A |
22 |
方志鑫 |
5A |
24 |
林子揚 |
5A |
26 |
李縉 |
5A |
29 |
湯諾維 |
5A |
31 |
甄俊熙 |
5B |
1 |
陳敏靖 |
5B |
2 |
李樂詩 |
5B |
14 |
李柏燊 |
5B |
17 |
潘嘉晞 |
5C |
13 |
林進杰 |
5C |
14 |
李岱諺 |
5C |
24 |
楊浩龍 |
5D |
16 |
劉恩澔 |
2020 – 2021 年數學科自學考章計劃(第二期)
First English Activity Day
On Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th December 2020 we held our first English Activity Day of the year! We enjoyed a Christmas themed reading article, learning about some popular Christmas traditions around the world. We also watched a video about the joy of giving and had a post video activity. Over 400 students attempted the task but only 34 winners obtained the correct answers. Those winners are…
- 3C01 CHEUNG Kar Yu
- 3C02 KAM Suet Ying
- 3C21 LEE Pak In
- 5C18 SO Ho Lun
- 5C19 SO Tan Chun
- 5C20 SO Yat Chun
- 5D02 HO Cheuk Wing Cherry
- 5D08 CHAN Yin Ming
- 5D10 CHUI Jasper
- 5D12 KWOK Cheng Nok
- 5D13 KWOK Ho Sang
- 5D14 LAU Ki Kit
- 5D15 LAW Tsz Chun
- 5D16 MANOCH Yan Ho
- 5D17 PUN Yin Tung
- 5D18 SIU Hanson
- 5D20 WONG Chun Lok
- 5D21 YEUNG Cheuk Him Rory
- 5D22 YU Hong Lin
- 6A06 LEUNG Kei Kwan
- 6A09 MUI Kwan Tung Tina
- 6A11 TO Ka Yan
- 6A12 WONG Wing Ching
- 6A18 FU Wing Lok
- 6A24 SO Wing Lok
- 6C06 NG Tsz Ting
- 6C11 HA Wai Ho
- 6C13 KWOK Tsz Kit
- 6C24 YIP Cho Wai
- 6D01 CHENG Hang Yi
- 6D04 PANG Wing Laam
- 6D05 WONG Sheung
- 6D18 TANG Yiu Wa
- Miss Matteo
Prizes were eventually given when we had afternoon class teacher periods from 1st – 8th February 2021.
2020 – 2021 年數學科自學考章計劃(第一期)
2020 – 2021 年數學科自學考章計劃(第一期)已於11月9日舉行,同學積極參與,今次共有73位學生參加,經過網上考核後,最後共有5位學生考獲金獎、15位學生考獲銀獎和13位學生考獲銅獎,在此恭賀各位得獎同學。
3A12 王翠滢
3B09 薛美虹 3B25 馬阡駿
3C19 林子謙 3C24 鄧皓廷
1A24 盧宥辰
1B09 李紫盈 1B22 林兆樟 1B32 周俊锐
2D14 陳浩文
3B01 蔡惠琪 3B02 陳可蕎 3B05 樊芷暚 3B08 李樂瑤 3B13 楊曉澄 3B18 李卓祺 3B20 李文浩
3D09 余沛霖
5A08 賴卓瑩 5A11 李毅儀
1A06 何洛詩
1B16 翁嘉玲 1B21 黎瑞鋒 1B27 馬思衡
1C12 李曉桐
3B06 江淑雯 3B16 鄭皓天 3B27 蘇耀淳 3B28 譚家劻 3B31 黄冠杰 3B33 余沛熹
3D01 張俙汶
5A22 方志鑫